Safeguarding policy
The ZOCF organisation has a zero tolerance approach to abuse. We recognise that under the Care
Act 2014 all members have a duty for the care and protection of adults and children who are at
risk of abuse. We also recognise our responsibilities for the safety and care of children under the
Children Act 1989 and 2004.
ZOCF is committed to promoting wellbeing, harm prevention and to responding effectively if
concerns are raised. Adults will be included in swift and personalised safeguarding responses.
ZOCF is also committed to inter agency collaboration on the development and implementation of
procedures for the protection of adults vulnerable from abuse. Therefore, It has a duty and
responsibility for making arrangements to ensure all its functions are discharged having regard to
safeguarding and promoting the adults at risk of abuse. The policy is about stopping abuse where
it is happening and preventing abuse where there is a risk that it may occur.
There can be no excuses for not taking all reasonable action to protect adults at risk of abuse,
exploitation, radicalisation and mistreatment. All citizens of the United Kingdom have their rights
enshrined within the Human Rights Act 1998. People who are eligible to receive health and
community care services may be additionally vulnerable to the violation of these rights by reason
of disability, impairment, age or illness.
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